"i would never do that to my body"

>> Wednesday, April 28, 2010

so, in case you've missed the memo, which it seems like everyone has heard, Jillian Michaels said something that has seemed to outrage a lot of women. she says she's planning to adopt rather than get pregnant, carry a baby, get big and fat, get stretch marks, and ruin her figure. well, good job Michaels, you shouldn't really be getting pregnant anyway as you're unmarried, bisexual, and --- are you even in a good relationship? she says that adopting is like rescuing something, and that when you rescue something, it's like rescuing a part of yourself. sure, that's a great reason to bring a child into your life: to rescue you --- mind you, an unidentified, broken part of you.

i am going to admit i might be politically incorrect... and yes, i got pregnant before marriage, but at least i was planning on marrying the guy who knocked me up. (hey look, he's my husband now, and he's done it again! ha!)

so i'm slightly unmerciful. and i don't really give a damn about her sexual orientation; really, at the heart of this, the thing that ticks me off the most is she "would never do that" to her body. as if getting pregnant is the worst thing you could possibly do. hm; i can think of a few worst things: 1) destroy your fertility, body, and health by getting STD's, 2) self mutilation and intentionally harming yourself, in whatever way - be it drugs or alcohol, 3) throwing yourself in front of a bus. all negative things. but having a baby? yeah, sure, it is a major burden on a woman's body - but for your own beautiful baby- flesh and blood, it's really not worth it? i know women who are trying to get pregnant who would probably throw a brick at you for saying that, Michaels. they'd kill to be able to do "that" to their bodies.

things that pregnancy does to your body - to name a few.
1) make you break out like a mad woman.
2) give you stretch marks.
3) make you put on hella weight.
4) if you don't exercise your kegels, you'll pee on yourself every time you sneeze (done that a few times now...)
5) that linea nigra. it's the pregnant woman's very own "happy trail" that you can't get rid of, because rather than being hair, it's the color of your skin. sure, sometimes it fades before you have another baby... but sometimes not. so much for that bikini.
6) your hair goes psycho. it can either get big and beautiful, or frizzy, or fall out. what the hell, hormones?
7) round ligament pain: you're a bitch.
8) back pain: an equally terrible bitch.
9) sore boobs. "sorry hunny, not today... or ever... again!"

basically, pregnancy does this ugly array of weird things to your body. i won't deny it.

but let's talk about the good things.
1) you grow a human person.
2) you achieve something that no man can do, EVER. ta-da for the feminists. stop trying to kill babies, having them actually makes you cooler than men.
3) some people do appreciate the increase in cup size. me, not so much, because i didn't need the twins to get any bigger... but some of you must enjoy it.
4) after nine months of trial and tribulation, you get to hold a breathing, screaming, beautiful piece of you. then you're given the responsibility to raise it, love it, and cherish it. that's awesome. really. a pain in the arse at times, but awesome, nonetheless.

basically, Jillian Michaels, i think you're forgetting something: babies are more rewarding than a kick-ass body that can't talk to you, coo at you, or grow up.

that's my story.

ps: for those of you who read that earlier post (that i deleted, yep) --- it's just proof that i shouldn't post in the morning after two bad days. ha.


Katie April 29, 2010 at 6:47 AM  

OMG Best post ever. I was wondering if I was the only person who was like "wha?" when I heard her say that she'd "never do that to her body." I think Miss Jillian needs her own "come to Jesus" moment to dig to the center of whatever her problem is.

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this blog wasn't intended to always be happy or true. it was, however, made to be honest -- an honest expression of my beliefs, my feelings, and what I know to be the Truth. it'll be snarky, sarcastic, and put just as i see the world: might not always be pleasant, but neither is life. i hope that from reading this, i can help you walk through an unopened door and help you see things from my walk of life.

dedicated to

my beautiful daughter, grace anne; this next baby who i hope to love just as much; my husband, who is my strength and inspiration to carry on; my mother and father, who taught me to embrace what i know is right, to love, and to always be the woman God intended me to be; all my siblings, who show me what good the occasional sacrifice, often annoyance, and frequent laughter is.

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