one of THOSE days.

>> Saturday, May 22, 2010

okay, i am typically a happy momma. today, however, has been one of those days where i want to punch something in the face (like my daughter, for not sleeping; and her aunts, for being noisy; and my stomach, for the heartburn).

i woke up thinking it was Sunday (yknow, the only day of the week i get to spend entirely with my husband) when it turns out - sadly, and much to my disappointment, it's Saturday. so much for snuggling away the morning and letting grace play alone, and not showering till 10 AM... boo... nope, the day started as usual, bright and early. ughhh. that was the first not-so-pleasing part of today.

i've spent all day online trying to find a new diaper cover that i will love till kingdom come. don't get me wrong - i love thirsties... but i guess between the velcro and frequent leaks (that's because they're too small, she's outgrown them and i am too lazy to buy more), mixed with the fact that i'm having a BOY which means, pink and purple diaper covers aren't going to work so well --- so i should probably buy some that are a little more "unisex" for everyone......... and the fact that i don't want to keep buying different sized covers for everyone... means... i have been in diapering hell. okay? first i considered buying the thirsties duo wrap, but then i read reviews about them just not being as good as the originals. balljam.

i've been reading great things about wool diaper covers, so i decided to look into that. finally, after hours of searching, i've stumbled upon a godsend: LITTLE BEETLES LITTLE-TO-BIG! i am hoping and praying that they really are that good, because they are so damn expensive. i have high hopes. i'm going to buy one to try it out. i figure, between this, plus the green x-small thirsties and the yellow small thirsties, my boy will be covered in the way of covers. please, god, please.

i also am going to end up purchasing one duo wrap, with hopes that it will rock as well. grace really needs a cover that fits right now. we're going nuts with the leaks.

has anyone heard of/tried/know of anyone trying the little beetles or thirsties duo snap wrap? i need some encouragement, haha.

on another note, my daughter is refusing to take an afternoon nap. i think she's been awake for 5 hours now: yep, shoot me. it's been a miserable afternoon.

when can i have my own house? oh, in a month. yep. please god, make the time go by faster.

peace, love.


About This Blog

this blog wasn't intended to always be happy or true. it was, however, made to be honest -- an honest expression of my beliefs, my feelings, and what I know to be the Truth. it'll be snarky, sarcastic, and put just as i see the world: might not always be pleasant, but neither is life. i hope that from reading this, i can help you walk through an unopened door and help you see things from my walk of life.

dedicated to

my beautiful daughter, grace anne; this next baby who i hope to love just as much; my husband, who is my strength and inspiration to carry on; my mother and father, who taught me to embrace what i know is right, to love, and to always be the woman God intended me to be; all my siblings, who show me what good the occasional sacrifice, often annoyance, and frequent laughter is.

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