into sexland. wow.

>> Thursday, May 6, 2010

alrighty folks, the book came. i know everyone on the planet has judged me in the last 48 hours, but i do not care. this book is just - that - good. as i told my mother on the phone, amist my ramblings about the wonderfulness of this book: chris and i have a great sex life. it hasn't disappeared since we've had grace. it hasn't disappeared through my pregnancy. that spark hasn't gone away.

we have been really blessed with an understanding of sex for what it is --- that unifying act that combines both sensuality and spirituality; basically, us joining together in a way that can actually bring us closer to God, closer to grace (heavenly grace, that is), and closer to sainthood. isn't it awesome that sex is redemptive? that sex is the fulfillment of our marriage, and that because marriage is a sacrament, we are receiving grace upon grace by simply saying "yes" all over again, getting in the sack, and making love? woo! god is good!

sex is a huge deal in marriage. that's why i am not getting off this topic until i feel like i have beaten it into the ground, made sure it's as dead as can be, and then whacked it a few more times.

so, Holy Sex! (part ONE - there are FOUR!)

well, it is extremely well written, to start. i think all my readers have an appreciation for the witty, smart-assed, and intelligent literature - so if you need any convincing to read the book in that regard, i am telling you: it is all of the above, and it is greatly enjoyable. it's easy to read. it's fantastic. so as for readability, it gets an A+.

as for content, A+. i was sending chris these text messages saying "this book is awesome; it's making me so happy; i can't wait for you to read it." the book made me HAPPY, folks. as in, rejoicing. why? because the truth is just that good. Dr. Popcak explains the difference between holy sex and eroticism; that both are very pleasureable, but that eroticism lacks the ability to welcome children, is driven solely be arousal "gotta cure the itch", witholds the whole self; gets boring over time; uses the other; causes shame; and ultimately brings death to the mind and soul, as well as the body.

eroticism doesn't sound so fun. but the thing is, it is so present in our culture. from birth control (which does not accept children AND withholds the whole self by denying the reproductive capabilites), to the need for porn to bring arousal, to thousands of women and men walking with broken hearts because of being used, to STD's, depression, and the inability to connect with another person out of fear - eroticism is to blame for all of these. it is not true love; it is not holy sex. it is the destroyer of one of God's greatest gifts to the married couple.

PS: today is only eroticism; we've got to cover the screwed up schools of thought that have led to sexual dysfunction (and i'm not talking about the physical kind either) in marriages. i'm talking "we only do it once a month because going too often will get you struck down by lightning" or "sex is strictly for making babies and is otherwise dirty" or "god can have nothing to do with that" (because it's not like God invented sex or anything: he didn't put that clitoris on you intentionally, i promise. riiiight. seriously, i'm joking.) Besides that, we have to open up the can of worms as to what an infallible lover really is. And can i just say, i am not quite there yet, but i feel like chris and i are both very close --- and i look forward to spiritually, mentally, and physically learning how to achieve that type of love. (I CAN'T WAIT!)

so, God is good. sex is good. buy the book so you can follow along and see all that Popcak has to offer your marriage. he really will open your eyes and hopefully transform what you believed sex was all about. my heart is already changing, and it's just day 2 in my sexland adventure.

peace and love.


About This Blog

this blog wasn't intended to always be happy or true. it was, however, made to be honest -- an honest expression of my beliefs, my feelings, and what I know to be the Truth. it'll be snarky, sarcastic, and put just as i see the world: might not always be pleasant, but neither is life. i hope that from reading this, i can help you walk through an unopened door and help you see things from my walk of life.

dedicated to

my beautiful daughter, grace anne; this next baby who i hope to love just as much; my husband, who is my strength and inspiration to carry on; my mother and father, who taught me to embrace what i know is right, to love, and to always be the woman God intended me to be; all my siblings, who show me what good the occasional sacrifice, often annoyance, and frequent laughter is.

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